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“William Moulton’s book is one of the clearest and most direct introductions to the principles of language and of contrastive linguistics that has yet been written.” John H. Fisher, from the foreword
Applied Linguistics
-nine essays, all original, offer a wealth of practical advice and provide exercises and assignments as well as suggestions for classroom projects and fieldwork. The authors approach their subjects from a variety of fields, including dialectology, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, and lexicography. Teachers, students, and language buffs alike will find an engrossing array of insights and ideas
Broad generalizations about “people today” are a familiar feature of first-year student writing. How Students Write brings a fresh perspective to this perennial observation, using corpus linguistics techniques. This study analyzes sentence-level patterns in student writing to develop an understanding of how students present evidence, draw connections between ideas, relate to their readers, and
Composition and Rhetoric Literary Theory Linguistics
Linguistics The Teaching of Language
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